SHOUT OUT! Your TSL.P Lawyer is Highlighted on Cult of Mac!
/From Cult of Mac’s webpage!
Hey everyone, I’m highlighted in the Cult of Mac’s article How a Washington lawyer helps vets with Mac-based Daylite CRM. Cult of Mac is a daily news website that follows everything Apple. The article discusses how I use Marketcircle’s Mac-based client relations management program Daylite. I think Daylite is a great CRM when you are in the Apple ecosystem. Your iPhones, iPads, Mac Laptops, and Mac Desktops all sync nicely in Daylite. So, whether I’m on the go, working remotely, or back in my office, I have my office with me and I don’t have to have an active internet connection to view my data – it’s all stored locally on each device! (Don’t forget to password protect your devices!) With Daylite’s “Pipelines” feature, I can create my own workflows to create automatic office tasks and deadlines when certain triggering events occur. Plus, it’s easy to add and remove employees securely and when each new employee, they can see the e-mail, task, and work history for each client!
I’ve been using Daylite for years. It just gets better and better. You should check it out!
PS: I was not paid for this posting. If that ever changes, I’ll let you know. 🤗