Monday Morning Humor: Don't Be the 'Ctrl + Alt + Deleted' IT Person: Funny Tech Tip for Lawyers! 😉

Don't Be the 'Ctrl + Alt + Deleted' IT Person!

In today's tech-driven world, lawyers often double as their own IT person.

But let's not end up like this unfortunate "I.T. Guy" whose tombstone reads "Ctrl + Alt + Deleted."

Mastering tech is essential, but remember: your goal is to thrive in the digital age, not crash and burn. 🤪

Monday Morning Humor: The Cellular Plan!

Inspired by Nate Fakes at

Its amazing how mobile technology has a grip on our daily lives, especially in the legal field! 😲

As it grows stronger, does it have global ambitions! 😳

Is SKYNET upon us‼️

Let’s hope not!!!

Monday Morning Humor: 🙃 From Tangled Cords to Bluetooth: The Evolution of Phone Fun 📞➡️🎧

No one was hurt in the production of this post! 😉

Remember when the phone cord doubled as a toy and a fashion accessory?

Today, our phones are detached from the wall, and our speakers are Bluetooth devices in our ears.

Kids might miss out on the joy of cord tangling, but at least they won't trip over the phone! 😄📱

Monday Morning Humor: Flashback - What we thought of "portable" for computers 44 years ago!

In 1980, "portable" computers were like carrying a briefcase full of bricks, with machines like the Osborne 1 weighing around 24 pounds.

By the 1990s, laptops like the IBM ThinkPad and Apple PowerBook made portability a bit more practical, though still hefty enough to double as a doorstop.

Fast forward to the 2000s, and we have ultrabooks, tablets, and smartphones.

Today, our "portable" tech is so advanced that even a lawyer’s least favorite document fits into their pocket.

What’s next, wearable gavel 👨‍⚖️ watches ⌚︎?!

Monday Morning Humor: Before There Was Texting, There Was Football: Reliving the Glory of the Mattel Classic Game 🏈🕹️

The Mattel Classic Football game was originally released in 1977. This handheld electronic game became highly popular and is often remembered as one of the pioneering electronic games of that era.

Long before owning a Blackberry and its QUARTY text was the rage, do you remember the days when "high tech" meant guiding a blinking LED across a screen to score touchdowns? 🏈 The Mattel Classic Football game was the pinnacle of handheld entertainment in 1977—long before smartphones turned everyone into gamers. 📱 Who knew thumb workouts could be so thrilling, let alone prepare us for the texting world we live in today? 👍😄

Monday Morning Humor: 📞 Remember When Phones Used to Have Wires Attached To Them?! 📞

Imagine there will soon be a generation who has no idea what this like growing up!

Remember the days when phones were anchored to walls and our mobility was limited by tangled cords?

Fast forward to now, and our smartphones fit in our pockets, doing everything but cooking dinner!

But at least back then, we did not have any data plans!

How far we've come in this tech-savvy world. 😲

#TechEvolution #LawyerLife

Monday Morning Humor: Dumb Ways to Use Technology In Court . . . 😱

One of the pillars of Zooming into a hearing that I impress on everyone is to be weary of what is behind you. Avoid having a messy kitchen, bedroom, inappropriate pictures, or any scenery that might be offensive or off-putting to others. Apparently, this gentleman did not get the memo about not committing the very violation he is being brought to court for while attending his Zoom hearing. 🙄

Monday Morning Humor: Before there was Google -

Remember library cards! The original Google for lawyers! Before algorithms, we had librarians—our analog search engines. Those trusty cards led us to our research, biographies, and science fiction. Now, with tech at our fingertips, let's not forget our first love: the Dewey Decimal System.

Or our second love, Shepardizing with books and pamphlets!

Long live analog searches!