I've been closely following the introduction of Assembly Bill 2751 (AB 2751) in California, and I must say, it may be a game-changer for us lawyers. This move is crucial in a world where being constantly connected has become the norm, extending our workdays indefinitely with emails, texts, and calls. For us lawyers, we're in a profession that demands our all, often blurring the lines between our work and personal lives, especially since the pandemic hit. Ironically, the integration of technology, while meant to streamline our work, has increased the pressure on us. Being expected to be on call 24/7 has led to 'technostress,' with significant psychological impacts. The inability to disconnect can lead to burnout, depression, and anxiety. Moreover, the constant connectivity deprives us of the downtime our brains need to recover from daily stressors, affecting our well-being and productivity in the long run.
AB 2751 is a breath of fresh air. Its clear aim is to give us the right to unplug from work after hours without fear of backlash from our employers (how this translates into the real world may be a different question). For someone like me, who's passionate about integrating technology into our practice to enhance our services and reclaim some personal time, AB 2751 hits close to home.