Apparently "Zoom" culture is making some believe court appearances can be more lax...😱
/Zoom courtroom decorum seems to be going in wrong direction!
In an interesting article from the ABA, More Zoom issues in court hearings: Doc joins from operating room, defendant is naked from at least the waist up, it’s being reported that doctors are reporting to court via Zoom from live operations, people are having sex during court proceedings and people are showing up to court unclothed (at least from the lower waist up). Going to a courthouse used to be considered a serious and solemn event. I’ve been going to courthouses and judge’s chambers since I was a young boy (note I had in my family judges and lawyers in the county where I was born and elsewhere). I was clean, dressed, and well-behaved. The average citizen does not have to wear a suit but they should be dressed head to toe and respect the sanctum they are in. Just because you have been given the privilege to appear by video does not mean you should not act like you are in court regardless of your broadcast location.