Shout Out! Your Award-Winning Blogger and Podcaster will be Presenting at the 2025 ABA Techshow!

The Aba techshow is the place to be for the intersection of technology and the practice of law - tech will not replace you but if you don’t use the right tech in your practice you could be left behind by those who do!

Hey everyone! Next week, I’ll be co-presenting with ABA Techshow Co-Chair Patrick Wright!

We’ll be presenting on “Innovations in Client Intake: Leveraging Technology for Better Outcomes” and “How to Leverage Video to Build Your Brand, Dominate SEO, and Attract the Best Clients.”

I can’t wait to see everyone there! Remember, if you tell me at the conference that you follow The Tech-Savvy Lawyer.Page and The Tech-Savvy Lawyer.Page Podcast, I’ll send you a free The Tech-Savvy Lawyer.Page Mug!*

* Limit one per person: Previous recipients from any prior appearance or as a guest on The Tech-Savvy Lawyer.Page Podcast are not eligible for to receive an additional mug. Sorry!