On My Way to the ABA TECHSHOW 2023!!!

I’m off to the 2023 ABA Techshow in chicago, il!

I am thrilled to be heading off to Chicago for ABA TECHSHOW 2023. ABA TECHSHOW is an annual conference that brings legal professionals worldwide to discuss the latest trends and innovations in legal technology. Many presentations and workshops offered this year include sessions on Artificial Intelligence (including ChatGTP), automation, and professional ethics related to technology and the practice of law.

Ubering in a tesla on my way to aba techshow 2023!

I am incredibly excited to meet some of the conference's keynote speakers and see some of my previous podcast guests in person. For me, attending ABA TECHSHOW is not just about acquiring knowledge and insights but also about connecting with other legal technology experts and building relationships. These interactions benefit not only myself for my practice but also the readers and listeners of The Tech-Savvy Lawyer.Page blog and The Tech-Savvy Lawyer.Page Podcast long after the conference is over. It's an excellent way for me to geek out over my passion for legal technology and for lawyers to learn how to improve their efficiency in their office to help their clients a better and improve their own lives.

This will be my third ABA Techshow Conference, my second as a blogger and podcaster. I always return home feeling energized and inspired, ready to continue my work as a legal technology blogger and podcaster. Can't attend this year? Look forward to seeing you next year!!!  (PS:  You may be able to get CLE credit for attending!)

Happy Lawyering!