News: The Tech-Savvy Lawyer is appointed to the ABA Law Practice Division!
/Your tech-savvy lawyer is name to the aba law practice division!
I’m excited to report that I’ve recently been appointed to the ABA Law Practice Division! “The Division is committed to advancing the legal profession by focusing on critical aspects such as Finance, Practice Management, Technology, & Marketing.” I’m excited to share my knowledge, learn more, and engage with fellow attorneys who have a deep commitment to utilizing technology to further the practice of law. I’ve been appointed to the following four committees:
Futures Initiative's assesses the shifts in demand for legal services; makes recommendations on the organization and structure of the legal profession and of legal businesses, to ensure that legal services address the needs of clients in the long-term; recommends training and professional development of lawyers; reviews regulation of the practice of law to address the future needs of the profession and its clients, and seeks opportunities for the Division to collaborate to further the mission of the Initiative and the Division.
Law Practice Today’s primary purpose is to ensure that the publication or platform meets the needs of its target audience, which is often comprised of lawyers, law firm administrators, and legal technology professionals.
Legal Technology Resource Center's mission is to help lawyers identify opportunities, overcome obstacles, and understand how technology tools can improve their practices through publications, blog posts, webinars, and other free resources.
Professional Development's is dedicated to advancing the professional skills, knowledge, and capabilities of its members and legal professionals. They strive to enable others to deliver high-quality legal services and thrive in an ever-evolving legal landscape.
Stay tuned, as I can’t wait to share with my readers and listeners what I learn in this exciting new venture!
Happy Lawyering!!!