TSL.P Podcast: Out Sick. Back Soon! New Episodes to be Released Soon!!!
/podcast production is TEMPORARILY down due to being sick and lost voice! 🙁
Hey everyone! I'd been hampered in the production of the podcast due to COVID. 🤒 The first week was not fun, and I had not regained my voice in the following week or two. 😷 So production stopped. 🛑
The good news is I have a bunch of recordings in the can that just need my title reads and intros. So this, coupled with a future recording schedule, should allow me to do a weekly release. I hope to make this the norm!
I'm excited about this, I hope you catch all the new episodes, and perhaps you can catch up on older episodes you may have missed! I believe we have covered topics and conversations that are still timely today!
Enjoy listening to the podcast! 🤗 They are free to everyone! If you can, give us a Five-Star review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcast feeds. Also, feel free to "Buy Me a Coffee" to help defray production costs or just buy a coffee to keep me caffeinated while I work on your favorite The Tech-Savvy Lawyer.Page blog!