Mugging for a Photo: Friend of the Show Shares His The Tech-Savvy Lawyer.Page Podcast Mug!

Placed among many of mike’s prized possessions!

Special shout out to friend of the show Mike Potter for sharing his photo of his TSL.P Podcast Mug! Mike is the Macstock Conference organizer and guru. Thank you Mike! 🤗

🇺🇦 Currently, August 22, 2023, for every mug purchased, The Tech Savvy Lawyer will donate $5 to World Central Kitchen! 🇺🇦

Previous podcast guest jeff gamet, The Tech-Savvy Lawyer MICHAEL D.J. EISENBERG, and Macstock organizer Mike potter at 2023 macstock vii in Historic Woodstock Square in Woodstock IL!

If you'd like your own The Tech-Savvy Lawyer.Page Mug and support the show and blog, click here to make a purchase. Currently, August 22, 2023, all profits are donated to those suffering in Ukraine.

And if you are an Apple computer enthusiast, like me, check out Macstock VIII in 2024!  The group is very friendly and attendees of every skill level can enjoy the presentations! Maybe I'll see you there next year!!!
