Experiment – Where does the time go? An experiment in computer automatic time tracking.
/As lawyers, we can relate when we have those moments when a case takes over, and we lose track of almost everything else. Where does the time go? I had one of those moments the last couple of weeks (as reflected in my silence last week with the blog). While catching up on everything else, I was listing to my Mac Power Users’ podcast downloads (on my Overcast podcast app – iOS only, sorry!), and the concept of automatic computer time tracking was discussed (episode #637: Digging Deep on Tracking Time). It got me thinking…
Where does the time go?
I’m going to experiment for the next four weeks and see if I can learn from my computer activity. I’ll be examining not just what I am using and when I’m using a computer application, but how I’m using it. Questions I’ll be considering: Am I using specific programs effectively. Am I using programs that are time sinks or distractions? Are there projects or tasks I can offset to my law clerks or virtual assistant?
For this experiment, I’ll be using Timing. It’s an application timer that syncs across devices. The best part, for me, is that it's part of my SetApp subscription. So, no additional cost for me. Previous podcast guest David Sparks of MacSparky and Mac Power Users has been tinkering with toggl track (Windows, Mac, and Linux compatible) and a third-party Mac app Timery that uses toggle track. So, you have some options if you are not a Mac user.
In the end, I hope to recapture more time. The goal is not just to find time to do more work. But, it’s also to find more time with myself, my family, and others. Hopefully, this will make me a better person, a better attorney, and a better tech-savvy lawyer!
I’ll report back in a month!