Monday My Two Cents Should I be worried about the “5G” issues? Well yes … maybe … kinda … sorta ...
/Is it safe to have your phone on during flight?
There has been a lot of noise in the news about “5G” and airlines. I know many people get annoyed when the Steward or Captain of an air flight tells you to either turn off your phone or put it in airplane mode. As phone technology has expanded, our FOMO (“fear of missing out”) has grown: Whether it be an important e-mail from your boss or client, a loved one, or even just waiting for the next big thing with the Kardashians! But there are legitimate safety issues to be worried about!
Cellphone airwaves and flight safety recently came to a head again with the phone carriers’ desire to use “c-band” 5G. This is not the whole 5G spectrum. Your current 5G use is likely not to cause your plane to go down. But the airlines have raised some concerns over the “c-band” 5G spectrum.
There have been concerns that the “c-band” spectrum may affect an airplane’s altimeter. An altimeter, in layman’s terms, helps a pilot determine the vertical location of the plane. This comes in handy when a pilot tries to land the plane and is not sure where the runway is on the ground due to inclement climate like fog, rain, snow, etc. (Does anyone remember Die Hard II?).
It’s been reported that about 80% of the airlines and their airplanes are good to go. Those planes not cleared may not be able to land on foggy, snowy, rainy, etc., unclear days. The greatest impact will be on regional airline carriers with smaller planes. So, if you are wondering what all the fuss is about, it is likely not going to impact you on a day-to-day basis. You should be able to use your phone daily and also prior to taking off and upon landing. This is something the carriers, FAA, and FCC have to hash out.
Just remember to always obey your Captain’s Orders!