#21: COVID, Bar Exams, and Computer SNAFUS with Megan Zavieh
/Taking the bar exam from home was not a luxury for all examinees!
COVID has turned our lives upside down. As we are all trying to figure out the norm, the state bar associations, to their credit, are trying to move forward. Unfortunately, the news has reflected that it has not been a smooth process for some bar examinees.
Join CA Ethics Attorney and returning podcast guest Megan Zavieh as we take an in-depth discussion of the tech problems from the last bar exam, how it is affecting examinees, and what may be done in the future to alleviate these issues.
Show Notes:
Megan Zavieh can be found at https://zaviehlaw.com/
Her blog https://californiastatebardefense.com/
Her podcast https://zaviehlaw.com/podcast/
Twitter: @ZaviehLaw
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