Windows 95 Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary! Has it lived up to its expectations?


With the release of Windows 95, Microsoft presented the public with a more straightforward, more pleasing form of “Windows.”  Windows moved from no longer required programing knowledge (MS-Dos) to a graphical user interface (“GMU”) that would challenge the smooth presentation and the ease of use of Apple OS.  Unfortunately for Microsoft and us (end) users, it was rife with bugs and needed more than just a quick fix.

The “fix” was released, but all of the problems did not disappear.  The problem at the time was the underlying architecture of the software it was built on – Windows 3.x.  The GUI was a nice overlay.  But many of the fundamental problems that existed in Windows 3.x were not addressed.  As Windows “grew” over the past 25 years, Microsoft seems more interested in the GUI versus the basic software architecture to keep it running “error-free.”  And this has been one of two of my problems with “Windows”:  Reliability and Ease of Use.

I have both a Windows’ machine (running Windows 10) and a Mac.  IMHO the Windows GUI is all over the place and not user intuitive.  Meanwhile, my iMac is more fluid and user intuitive.  When I am comparing both machines, they have the basic necessities to run a law firm, MS Word, the ability to read and respond to e-mail, and access to the internet.  Granted, there is a difference in price – you’ll be investing more in a Mac.  But when it comes to ease of use, reliability, and longevity, IMHO its always been the Mac


Happy Lawyering!