Hardware Thursdays! Let there be light from the BenQ ScreenBar Lamp!
/In a lawyer’s work environment, there is nothing more important than light. You need to see what is on your desk without strain. Lack of light can cause eye strain leading to fatigue. Fatigue leads to a lack of clarity to work. Lack of clarity in work leads to mistakes. And mistakes ... well, you don't need to be Yoda to figure out where that goes.
Illuminating your desk can be a challenge when your computer is front and center. when you try to focus a lamp on your work area, the base or the arm tends to get in the way of your screen and surrounding area. This monitor mounted desk lamp by BenQ that really does the trick. It is USB powered. And can be mounted on most external monitors (they make a special model just for laptops!). If your computer is short on USB ports, you can always plug it into a hub.
As you can see below, it really makes a difference on my desk.
My Desk without Light. 🙁
My desk with Light! 😀
The image on the right looks a little yellow. But in real life the desktop is actually brighter. It adds just enough light to let me work not feeling like I’m in the dark. I can dim it when I want and not take up precious space on my desk with a base. So, in the end, I’m happy! 🤗
In my honest opinion, I give it two thumbs up! 👍👍