Editorial: Follow up - Are our tech devices going to get a 10% increase in price?
A couple of weeks ago, I posted an editorial asking “Are our tech devices going to get a 10% increase in price?” The good news is it will not be in the immediate future. It appears, the Trump administration realized that implementing these tariffs now would have a huge impact on Christmas sales. But that does not mean we should not worry about our future tech purchases - that is why some planning may need to done.
The tariffs are expected to be implemented in mid-December.Strategically, if you are potentially thinking of purchasing any new tech, e.g., computers, laptops, printers, phones, etc., you may want to consider making your order not only before mid-December but before the end of the year. These office purchases may prove to be a good end-of-the year write-off. So, look at your finances, talk to your accountant and figure out what you need tech wise.
What are your plans? Please share your thoughts!