BOLO: One Simple Way to Avoid Malware!
/There was a security issue with Mac OS about a week and a half ago. Yes, even Macs are vulnerable to software exploits where malicious parties try to infect your computer with a virus. A virus can do some horrible things to your computer setup - steal (client) data, steal passwords to bank accounts and even make your computer completely inoperable. The latter can shut you down for days and put you behind in work as you try to reinstall your software and pray your backups worked.
One of the simplest preventions of a malware attack is to not open programs, e.g., .exe files on Windows and .dmg files on a Mac, that come from a source you are not familiar with. (I’ll talk about antivirus programs in another post.) Make sure the webpages you download from our reputable and not a spoof of a legitimate webpage. Be careful of links or attachments in e-mails that come from sources you are not familiar with. Malicious actors know how to spoof business e-mail names and ghost people you know by having their e-mail address disguised as a name in your address book.
Don’t forget to back up your stuff and safe Browsing!!!