🎙️ Ep. #6: Interview with Legal Tech Rebel Niki Black!
/Nicole (“Niki”) Black is a Rochester, New York attorney, author, journalist, and the Legal Technology Evangelist at MyCase, legal practice management software. She is the nationally-recognized author of "Cloud Computing for Lawyers" (2012) and co-authors "Social Media for Lawyers: The Next Frontier" (2010), both published by the American Bar Association. She also co-authors "Criminal Law in New York," a Thomson Reuters treatise. She writes regular columns for Above the Law, ABA Journal, and The Daily Record, has authored hundreds of articles for other publications, and regularly speaks at conferences regarding the intersection of law and emerging technologies. She is an ABA Legal Rebel, and is listed on the Fastcase 50 and ABA LTRC Women in Legal Tech.
Join Niki and I as we discuss how attorneys are underutilizing remote work in this time of COVID; how lawyer client relation management programs like MyCase help attorneys work remotely; and how she sees the practice of law changing in the future with “Shelter-in-Place” becoming the new norm.
Nicole (“Niki”) Black
Contact/Follow Niki:
Blogger at Sui Generis
E-Mail: Niki@MyCase.com
Twitter @nikiblack
Niki's Articles
COVID-19 Forces The Legal Profession’s Hand And Technology Adoption Increases Exponentially (Above the Law)
7 types of tech tools to help lawyers set up virtual offices (ABA Journal)
How to Quickly Set up a Remote Law Office (MyCase Blog)
The Bionic Legal System: We Can Rebuild It, We Have The Technology (Above the Law)
Document collaboration
Video Conferencing