Podcast #8: Tech, ethics and more with Dan Siegel, PA Attorney!

My next guest is Dan Siegel.  Dan is a Pennsylvania Attorney, Speaker and Author covering issues in appellate law, ethics and technology.  Dan came to my attention through his recent webinar through the ABA & his attorney tech consulting firm, Integrated Technology Services.  During our informative podcast we covered the following three questions:  1.

Dan Reserve cropped.jpg

My next guest is Dan Siegel.  Dan is a Pennsylvania are Attorney, Speaker and Author covering issues in appellate law, ethics and technology.  Dan came to my attention through his recent webinar through the ABA & his Integrated Technology Services, an attorney tech consulting firm.  During our informative podcast we covered the following three questions:  1. Given COVID and Shelter at Home Orders, what are three software programs are attorneys underutilizing while working from home, 2. What are three simple workflows can attorneys use today, and 3. What three areas of legal technology will attorneys need to keep an eye on POST-COVID-19?

Come join as we talk about these subjects and many more!

Links to the products and services discussed in our conversation:

How to reach Dan


Articles, Books, etc.

The Tech Savvy Lawyer.Page Podcast is now an official Podcast!

I am happy to announce that The Tech Savvy Lawyer.Page Podcast will be hosted by Libsyn. I will be able to reach a wider audience with Libsyn. But I will also post a link from the blog.

Meantime, you follow the show through your podcast place at http://thetechsavvylawyerdotpage.libsyn.com/rss

Podcast #4: My conversation with Blogger Icon, Carolyn Elefant, of MyShingle.com

In this podcast, I talk with lawyer, blogger, and entrepreneur, Carolyn Elefant. Carolyn owns the Law Offices of Carolyn Elefant PLLC, a national firm based in Washington, DC focused on power, pipelines, and property rights. Carolyn is the founder of MyShingle.com, which was launched in 2002. 

Her blog inspires, empowers, and celebrates solo and small law firms. Carolyn is also the author of Solo by Choice and co-author of Social Media for Lawyers

Listen in as Carolyn and I discuss the technology changes in the legal arena from over the past 17 years of her practice, how she is using technology to market her law practice and her perspective for the future in legal tech.

Come join us!


Carolyn can be reached at:


Carolyn's Tech Equipment

Windows/Mac Attorney Specific CRM Products

Windows/Mac CRM Products**

Mac (CRM Products)

Other Products Carolyn Mentioned

* Product I use too!

** There were a couple of product's Carolyn mentioned that at the time of posting, I could not find.  But, will update presuming they still exist.