Podcast #4: My conversation with Blogger Icon, Carolyn Elefant, of MyShingle.com

In this podcast, I talk with lawyer, blogger, and entrepreneur, Carolyn Elefant. Carolyn owns the Law Offices of Carolyn Elefant PLLC, a national firm based in Washington, DC focused on power, pipelines, and property rights. Carolyn is the founder of MyShingle.com, which was launched in 2002. 

Her blog inspires, empowers, and celebrates solo and small law firms. Carolyn is also the author of Solo by Choice and co-author of Social Media for Lawyers

Listen in as Carolyn and I discuss the technology changes in the legal arena from over the past 17 years of her practice, how she is using technology to market her law practice and her perspective for the future in legal tech.

Come join us!


Carolyn can be reached at:


Carolyn's Tech Equipment

Windows/Mac Attorney Specific CRM Products

Windows/Mac CRM Products**

Mac (CRM Products)

Other Products Carolyn Mentioned

* Product I use too!

** There were a couple of product's Carolyn mentioned that at the time of posting, I could not find.  But, will update presuming they still exist.

Podcast #1 (Part 3 of 3): Judge Herbert B. Dixon, Jr. (Ret.) - His observations from the Bench.

Judge Herbert B. Dixon, Jr. (Ret.) served two consecutive 15-year terms as a Judge for the Superior Court for the District of Columbia.  Judge Dixon is a columnist for The Judges’ Journal ABA magazine, chair of Superior Court’s Electronic Filing Pilot Project and a senior judicial adviser to the Center for Legal and Court Technology (formerly the Courtroom 21 Project), an initiative of the Marshall-Wythe Law School at the College of William & Mary and the National Center for State Courts.  Our discussion was so informative that I split the interview into three parts!  In Episode #1 (Part 3 of 3), Judge Dixon and I continue our discussion of what he believes are the potential technological pitfalls in the legal arena we may experience in the not so distant future!

The Honorable Herbert B. Dixon, Jr. (Ret.)

The Honorable Herbert B. Dixon, Jr. (Ret.)

Judge Dixon’s Twitter handle is @Jhbdixon

My discussion of ABA Rules regarding a lawyers need for competence when dealing with technology.

Judge Dixon’s ABA Article “Deepfakes: More Frightening Than Photoshop on Steroids” in “The Judge’s Journal’”

ABA Annual "Tech Show" scheduled for February 26 - 29, 2020, in Chicago, IL.

ABA The Judges’ Journal magazine.

Podcast #1 (Part 1 of 3): Judge Herbert B. Dixon, Jr. (Ret.) - His observations from the Bench.

Judge Herbert B. Dixon, Jr. (Ret.) served two consecutive 15-year terms as a Judge for the Superior Court for the District of Columbia.  Judge Dixon is a columnist for The Judges’ Journal ABA magazine , chair of Superior Court’s Electronic Filing Pilot Project and a senior judicial adviser to the Center for Legal and Court Technology (formerly the Courtroom 21 Project), an initiative of the Marshall-Wythe Law School at the College of William & Mary and the National Center for State Courts.  Our discussion was so informative that I split the interview into three parts!  In Episode #1, Judge Dixon and I discuss how he has seen how attorneys' use of technology in the courtroom change over the years, effective use of slides and animations in the courtroom and what he sees as attorneys' technological proficiency today and in the future.


Judge Dixon

Presenting at the DC Bar's Annual "Practice 360°"

Show Note Links:

Judge Dixon’s Twitter handle is @Jhbdixon

My discussion of ABA Rules regarding a lawyers need for competence when dealing with technology.

DC Bar's Annual "Practice 360°" scheduled for May 15, 2020, in Washington, DC.

ABA Annual "Tech Show" scheduled for February 26 - 29, 2020, in Chicago, IL.

ABA The Judges’ Journal magazine.