The Tech Savvy Lawyer

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Monday Morning Humor: It only took nearly 40 years for the "pocket" phone to finally make it to our pocket!

Mansfield News-Journal, April 18, 1963

This is a paper newspaper clip from 1963 (yes Virginia, newspapers were at one time actually first printed on paper 🙃). The “TV” phone has made leaps since its pre-laboratory release. “Pocket phones,” commonly known as “smartphones”, started becoming mainstream in the early 2000s. The exact year can be a subject of debate, but the introduction of the iPhone by Apple in 2007 played a significant role in popularizing smartphones and making them more accessible to the general public.

The iPhone's intuitive touchscreen interface and robust capabilities helped redefine the smartphone industry and sparked a wave of innovation from other manufacturers. Following the iPhone's success, smartphones rapidly gained popularity and became an integral part of people's lives worldwide.

Editors note: I haven’t seen a commercial where a busy housewife is making dinner while talking on her smartphone. My, how the times have changed in 60 years. 😱 Boy, do I feel old! 👴

Happy Lawyering!